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Free Lasik Screening
Do you dislike wearing contacts or glasses and want to decrease your dependence on them?
Do you want to have increased mobility during sports such as tennis and basketball?
Do you want to be able to see clearly at all times, including emergencies?
Do you not want the hassle of getting glasses and contact lens examinations as well as the time necessary to maintain them?
Are you nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism?
Do you have an occupation where decreased spectacle dependence can help you such as a career as a fireman?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, lasik surgery may be an alternative for you. When you visit the San Diego Lasik Institute, we will take a detailed history and examination of your eyes. Lasik is not for everyone and this free lasik screening will help us determine if Lasik is right for you.
Please call 619-298-2733 for a free consultation!
Our Office
San Diego