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iLASIK - San Diego's Fifth Generation LASIK Technology
Better Technology, Better Results, Better Vision!

our fifth generation LASIK technology 

The San Diego LASIK Institute is proud to offer San Diego fifth generation iLASIK surgery. We combine the state of the art Intralase LASIK laser called the iFS and the Advanced Custom Wavefront technology of the Visx Star S4 laser to provide our San Diego patients with the pinnacle of laser vision correction technology.  The iFS laser makes the flap in your LASIK surgery in about 15 seconds. It is 250% faster than the previous Intralase model that was used in San Diego and throughout the country. This increased speed leads to more comfort and safety for your LASIK procedure.

iDesign LASIK involves three lasers - the iDesign advanced custom wavescan, the iFS fifth generation (bladeless) laser, and the VISX Star S4 with Iris Registration. We have recently upgraded to the newest iDesign 2.0 system. Learn more here.

iFS and iLASIK Facts - Revolutionary all laser LASIK Flap Technology

1. Unprecedented Speed - Increased Comfort and Safety

• Increased patient comfort
• Reduced risk of suction loss
• Less exposure to eye pressure

The iFS Intralase laser runs at a speed of 150kHz. This is 250% faster than the speed of other Intralase lasers in San Diego. The remarkable speed of the iFS Intralase laser allows us to make your LASIK flap in approximately 15  seconds! The most uncomfortable part of your San Diego LASIK procedure is making the flap. With a faster speed, the discomfort most of our patients feel is very minimal.

2. Less Laser Energy - Better Flaps Due To Inverted Bevel Side Cut

diagram showing 150 degree bevel cut for increased flap strength


The inverted side cut angle shown here greatly increases flap strength. The additional flap engineering benefits include:

• Smother Optical Surface
• Healthier Cornea After Surgery
• Better Eye Tracking
• Less Risk for Light Sensitivity



3. The San Diego LASIK Institute's iFS lasers make Stronger Flaps

• Stronger healing
• Greater Flap Stability
• Inverted bevel side-cut angle
• Oval Shaped Flap
• Less Corneal Dryness 

Table Comparing the Strengths of Flaps made with Microkeratome and the iFS Intralase laser. Intralase iFS made flaps are over 300% stronger!

diagram for flap tensile strength showing IntraLase iFS 140 degree Side Cut is strongest

Frequently Asked Questions About the iFS Intralase LASIK laser

I have seen many advertisements for "All Laser" or "Bladeless" LASIK, is this the same as the iFS laser?

Not all "bladeless" LASIK is the same. Although Intralase was the first all laser treatment, the iFS is the fifth generation of the Intralase laser. The San Diego LASIK Institute is the first one to have it in San Diego. Please be sure to ask for the iFS laser by name. The previous version of the Intralase was called the FS laser so it is easy to get confused by the similar name. Also, you can ask for the speed of the laser as well to make sure that it is the iFS laser which runs at 150 kHz. The iFS laser has unprecedented speed and safety.

Is the iFS Laser more expensive?

At the San Diego LASIK Institute, we are committed to using the best and safest LASIK technology today. We believe that good vision is priceless and we have committed to using the best technology even if it costs us more to do it. We will never let cost concerns dictate the quality of our care.  Although the iFS laser is the most advanced and costly femtosecond laser for us to acquire, we belive the added safety is worth it.

Is this the same as customized LASIK?

The iFS laser is the first step of your iLASIK procedure. It makes the corneal flap which allows our San Diego LASIK Surgeon to continue with the second laser which does a customized LASIK procedure. We have now customized every part of the LASIK flap. The iFS allows us to customize your LASIK flap in ways previous lasers could not. We make a customized diagnosis, a  customized flap, and a customized treatment.

Is microkeratome or razor blade unsafe?

No, we feel the iFS reduces the risks of traditional LASIK and we are committed in using the safest technology. The iFS has flaps that can be up to four times stronger than flaps made with the razor blade. Besides the safety of the flap making process, the iFS laser can make customized flaps in terms of size and flap thickness. It can also make inverted bevel side-cut LASIK flaps which are impossible to make with a mechanical blade.


True Custom Wavefront Technology - The Visx Star S4 Laser with Iris Registration: A Revolution that Started 20 years ago and has been upgraded

wavescan, iDesign, and iDesign 2.0 devices


our Visx WavScan deviceCustomVue Technology - The Visx laser uses wavefront technology to capture an individualized map of your eye.

This map measures the micro imperfections that LASIK surgeons call higher order aberrations and treats them. Over 94% of patients in the FDA clinical trials are approved for custom wavefront LASIK with the Visx Star S4 laser.

The wavescan uses a specialized device called a Hartman-Shack aberommeter to measure over 240 individual points in your eye.



In this example below, you can see three patients with the same prescription. With non custom LASIK, each of these patients would have received the same LASIK laser treatment. However, with custom technology these patients have completely different wavefront maps and would receive a unique LASIK treatment.

diagram showing three patients difference with different wavefront eye mapping

Iris Registration Technology - Aligning your LASIK treatment

scan from an iris registration


Iris Registration is designed to compensate for your eyes rotation (torsion) when you lay flat.

It uses advanced intrared technology and computer technology to compensate if your eyes are rotated.

It is the only FDA approved method that accomplishes this goal. For surgeons using other laser systems, they have to mark your eye with a pen to make sure that your treatment is aligned. The Iris Registration technology greatly increases the safey and accuracy of you iLASIK procedure.


iDesign Advanced Custom LASIK - Making the Best CustomVue Technology Better!


iDesign Advanced Custom LASIK device


5x the Resolution:The iDESIGN system's uses a wavefront sensor thousands of tiny sensors the diameter of a human hair. This allows over 1200 data points to be made in a 3 second scan. This is 500% more data than other CustomVue technology



Easy for Patients: The iDesign Can take up to 5 scans in three seconds. It measures wavefront aberrometry, wavefront refraction, corneal topography, keratometry, and pupillometry. This makes your consultation easier.


Treat Larger Prescriptions: The FDA has allowed the use in patients as young as 18 and treats more than 25% more astigmatism. 

Quality Outcomes: The initial  studies have shown that the majority of patients are satisfied with their quality of vision.

 Learn more about iDesign

 iDesign 2.0 Upgrade:  


The iDesign 2.0 improved upon the previous technology by incorporating topography information. Learn more here.

iDesign 2.0 showing it minimizes human error


diagram showing wavefront analysis, corneal topography, and axis alignment of eye


  1. Knorz MC, Vossmerbaeumer U. Comparison of flap adhesion strength using the AMADEUS microkeratome and the IntraLase iFS femtosecond laser in rabbits. J Refract Surg. 2008;24(9):875-878.
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  3. Tanna M, Schallhorn SC, Hettinger KA. Femtosecond laser versus mechanical microkeratome: a retrospective comparison of visual outcomes at 3 months. J Refract Surg. 2009;25(7 Suppl):S668-S671.
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  6. Santhiago MR, Wilson SE. Cellular effects after laser in situ keratomileusis flap formation with femtosecond lasers: a review. Cornea. 2012;31(2):198-205.
  7. Binder PS. One thousand consecutive IntraLase laser in-situ keratomileusis flaps. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2006;32(6):962-969.
  8. Stonecipher K, Ignacio TS, Stonecipher M. Advances in refractive surgery: microkeratome and femtosecond laser flap creation in relation to safety, efficacy, predictability, and biomechanical stability. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. 2006;17(4):368-372.
  9. Kezirian GM, Stonecipher KG. Comparison of the IntraLase femtosecond laser and mechanical keratomes for laser in-situ keratomileusis. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2004;30(4):804-811.
  10. Binder PS, Gray B, Brownell M, et al. Morphology of femtosecond intrastromal arcuate incisions. 2012.03.07-ME4839.
  11. Meltendorf C, Burbach GJ, Ohrloff C, et al. Intrastromal keratotomy with femtosecond laser avoids profibrotic TGF-ß1 induction. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009;50(8):3688-3695.
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  14. Price FW Jr, Price MO, Grandin JC, et al. Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty with femtosecond-laser zigzag incisions. J Cataract Refract Surg. 2009;35(5):804-808.
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  17. Data on file. AMO Development, LLC. CustomVue Procedure clinical trials submitted to the FDA; 2003, 2004, 2005 & 2007.

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2021 The San Diego LASIK Institute | Tony H. Pham, M.D.

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